Programming might be quite daunting but it is easier than it seems, though some are not quite comfortable with it, but trust me when exposed to the right teachers or tutorials, you will be pretty good at it, in no time.
There are many benefits and skills that comes from being a programmer.
- Increased creativity
- Problem solving skills
- Earning potential
- Working from home
- More opportunities
- Start a part-time business
That being said let’s move to the 10 easiest programming languages for beginners who wants to start a career in programming.
The 10 easiest Programming languages for beginners explained below:
10. R

R is a programming language created by “Ross Ihaka” and “Robert Gentleman” at the University of Auckland, New Zealand. R is named after its first two authors
R is a programming language that is used for data analysis and visualization, although it can be used for building web applications but it’s mainly used for statistical calculations and computing.
Since it’s not a general purpose programming language, it is best if you want to become a data scientist or you love working with statistics or interested in a career as bioinformatics. Then you can go for this.
9. C#

C# pronounced as C-Sharp, it is a programming language developed around 2000 by Microsoft, C# was designed by Anders Hejilsberg, and the most recent version was released in 2019.
The language is intended to be a simple, general-purpose, object-oriented programming language, it is used to develop games, web, mobile, desktop applications.
In syntax C# is a lot similar to java and if easy for people with the knowledge of Java, C or C++.
8. C/C++

C and C++ is a general purpose programming language, they are two different languages but there are many similarities between C and C++, C++ can be referred to an extension of the C programming language. C was designed by Dennis Ritchie while C++ was designed by Bjarne Stroustrup.
C and C++ are often called low-level languages because of their memory management functions, because of this there is an added complexity to manage and interact with the memory used by your program. At the starting your programming journey with these lower-level languages will prepare you for understanding the concept of programming better.
C/C++ can be used to write system applications like Windows and many others, or complex programs like Oracle and Git, develop games or build enterprise applications.
7. PHP

PHP is a general-purpose scripting language suited for developing web applications, designed by Rasmus Lerdorf. It is one of the easiest programming languages, it’s actually use for back end of websites, it’s popularity can be attributed to how easy it’s used to retrieve and store data in databases, processing and replying to user’s requests, and how seamlessly it can be presented to a user’s browser through HTML.
Major companies that make use of PHP are Facebook, Tumblr, and WordPress. It’s very easy to get started with, as easy as embedding PHP code into an HTML page and uploading the file to a server that can process it.
6. Java

Java is a general-purpose and an object-oriented programming language, being among the easiest programming language, it’s commonly used to teach students the basics of design patterns and software engineering.
Java a programming language originally developed by Sun Microsystems first appeared May 23, 1995. One important project that uses java is the Android Software Developer Kit (SDK) which allows programmers to create android applications; Netflix also makes use of Java.
Java is straightforward to use, write and compile. Java is also Platform-Independent meaning if written it can run on any operating system, likewise other lower level programming languages which cannot. It is also more secure.
5. Ruby

Ruby is a general-purpose scripting language, Ruby is often compared with python as the two languages have similar uses, they can both be used for analyzing data. However, their’s more focus of Ruby being used for web development
Ruby is a very simple and productive programming language, it also has a framework that makes it easy to use Ruby to create and provide web applications to users.
Reasonably, you can choose to learn Ruby as it has a friendly community with free and great resources for beginners, including e-books.
4. Python

Python is an easy to learn, general-purpose coding language, which is highly readable, it’s often used in colleges to introduce students to coding.
Python can be used for back end web development through libraries like Django, it can also be used for analyzing data, and as a scripting language, to make use of java you need to install an IDE (integrated development environment) on your computer.
3. JavaScript

JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages on earth, it is used to process data, script web pages create mobile apps, desktop apps and more.
For Frontend web development JavaScript is commonly used with HTML and CSS to add client-side functionality or interactivity to web pages. Projects like Node.js allow developers to work on the backend of a server.
This means as a JavaScript developer you could work as a frontend and backend web developer, JavaScript could also be used to solve mathematical equations or to even build game engines.
2. CSS

CSS which stands for Cascading Style Sheets, Cascading refers to the way styles are been added on top of another, while Style Sheets control how web pages look and feel when viewed on a browser; for example you can set text decoration or fonts to specific HTML elements with CSS.
CSS is been used together with HTML, it also allows you to separate style from content. When used properly it can enhance the readability, functionality and the look of a website.
CSS is a very simple language to learn for beginners, those interested in frontend or full-stack web development will work with CSS.

HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language, HTML been a markup language uses tags to identify content unlike a scripting or programming language. It was originally designed to help people format text documents so they can be presented to their readers in a cleaner way.
If you desire to be a web professional HTML is an essential skill for you, starting out with HTML to code efficiently you need an editor that does some of the work for you. Some of the best HTML editors are NOTEPAD++, ATOM e.t.c
To me I believe JavaScript is the easiest programming language. To learn it you need just your web browser and a text-editor. Some might argue that in terms of overall simplicity HTML/css might be the easiest.
However, one important thing to consider is that the easiest code to learn might not be the best one for you. If you have specific programming jobs or career you will like to go for, or systems you will like to build, it is better you choose a programming language best suited for the job.
Someone who aspires to be a data analyst could go for Python or R, for frontend web development you could go for HTML, CSS and JavaScript, for android applications you could go for Java or Kotlin, for IOS applications you could go for Swift.
Your choice of the programming language to start with should be base on the one best suited for the career or job you will love to pursue after learning.
Anyway like I said from the beginning, learning any of these language might seems challenging, but with the right teachers you will get to learn it easier and faster.
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